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ResMed AirFit F30 Full Face Mask - MonsterCPAP
ResMed AirFit F30 Full Face Mask - MonsterCPAP

AirFit F30 Full Face Mask

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AirFit F30 Full Face Mask offers Sleep Apnea patients the ability to receive airway pressure therapy with a sleek, modern design. Perfect for those individuals who breathe through their mouth while sleeping and feel too claustrophobic using other full face masks. This mask offers minimal coverage yet maximum performance!

Slip on AirFit F30 and notice how small it looks, how lightweight it feels, and how easy it is to wear. It's a CPAP mask that adapts to your needs! Plus, it's the quietest, most comfortable, easiest to use, and best-selling minimal-contact full face mask.

Magnet Safety Screening: This mask contains magnets and may affect certain individuals with metallic medical devices or metallic objects in the body presenting a potential risk. Click here for details

  • Designed to prevent top-of-the-nose soreness, irritation and red marks
  • Allows you to wear glasses with your mask to bed, so you can read a book, answer a text message or watch TV
  • Helps you feel less claustrophobic during therapy
  • Keeps you comfortable when you sleep on your side
  • Quick-release magnetic clips allow for easy mask removal
  • UltraCompact cushion delivered a good fit for 93% of CPAP users in a recent study
  • One-size-fits-all plush headgear with magnetic clips and velcro to provide an accurate, first-time fit
  • QuietAir elbow creates a more peaceful bedroom

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