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SoClean 2 CPAP Cleaner: Buyer’s Guide 2020

on August 21, 2020

If you are looking for a fast and easy way to efficiently clean your CPAP supplies in 2020, then a CPAP sanitizer is a must. As you may know all too well, each part of your equipment needs to be cleaned on a regular basis. 

Using CPAP masks, tubing and machines on a daily basis means that bacteria, grime and dirt start to build up. Without cleaning, this can lead to skin irritation not to mention impacting the functioning of each CPAP part. That’s why it is always recommended to make CPAP cleaning a regular part of your Sleep Apnea therapy. 

SoClean 2 CPAP Cleaner: What You Need To Know

One CPAP sanitizing device that has been receiving many rave reviews by users is the SoClean 2 CPAP Cleaner. Noted as being the first automatic cleaner for CPAP equipment, it claims to be able to effectively kill 99% of bacteria in one cleaning cycle. Sounds almost too good to be true. That’s why we at Monster CPAP wanted to put this device to the test ourselves. 

The SoClean 2 was designed with ease of use in mind. Offering a sleek and compact design, this machine can easily sit on your bedside table. Not only is it compact but it is also portable allowing you to travel anywhere with it in tow. 

One advantage that many users noted when using this CPAP cleaner is the fact that you don’t need to disassemble your CPAP mask before placing it into the cleaning chamber. While this choice is completely optional, not having to take the mask apart piece by piece can save on time in you’re in a rush.  

The Top Benefits Of The SoClean 2 CPAP Sanitizer

Which benefits can you expect to receive when purchasing a SoClean 2 CPAP Sanitizer? While portability is a big bonus for many people, it’s not the only benefit that this cleaning device has been praised for:

  • High Cleaning Efficiency - Using ozone technology, this CPAP sanitizer has the ability to clean up to 99.9% of harmful germs and bacteria from CPAP equipment. Ozone is a naturally occurring element that is capable of reacting with a bacterium's cell wall. As this reaction occurs, it breaks the bacteria down effectively killing it. 
  • Compatibility - This CPAP sanitizer was designed with users’ ease of use in mind. It is compatible with many different CPAP machines and can accommodate all types of masks, from full face to nasal pillow. 
  • Fully Automated - With this device, all you have to do is put your equipment in the cleaning chamber and turn it on. It’s that simple. No need to stick around and wait for the cycle to be finished. You can get on with your day knowing that all of your CPAP parts will be clean when you need it again. 

  • Our Honest Review: What We Think

    When it comes to the SoClean 2 CPAP Sanitizer, our team of experts at MonsterCPAP were not disappointed. 

    Its claim to clean all CPAP parts in a fast and efficient manner met all of our expectations. Not to mention the fact that equipment remained completely dry all through the cleaning process. The use of Ozone technology is highly innovative and reassuring as this technology is widely practiced as a sanitization practice in water purification and hospitals.  

    If you are a potential buyer of this SoClean CPAP cleaning device, we can guarantee that you won’t regret investing in this. Not sure yet if it’s the right choice for you? Get in touch with our team today and we can talk you through our stock of CPAP sanitizing devices.